вторник, 3 септември 2013 г.

Sudoku Console Game


As a apart of my C# part II course I had to be a team-member in a workshop and create a simple console game. After short consideration we as a team decide to work on a Sudoku game. This game is actually quite popular, but if You are not familiar with the rules - they can be found here:

                                                                    Sudoku rules

In order to keep the long story - short: The grid is made of 9 (3x3) cubes, each of them consists 3x3 cells. The player can only use and write down the numbers from 1 to 9....read more....

вторник, 26 март 2013 г.

Car-dealership business software

Sideshow Bob


Project:       Car Dealership Basic Manage System


- stann1 (Станислав Стойчев)

- ivivanov (Иван Иванов)

- rodi1i (Радослав Стоянов)

- SNeykov (Strahil Neykov)

- ekostadinov (Евгени Костадинов)

Project Description

The targer for our team is to design and implement an object-oriented application for car dealership’s
busines purposes. Our system provides basic but essential functionality for not only the central-base Dealership,
but for it’s branches too. This product meets all basic requirements for a modern and flexible busines application
software. And in the same time it can be extended with additional functionality very easilly.


Working with 3D Points

    The 3D is the thing that everyone is talking about these days. 3D screens and movies, home entertainment systems and theaters. But how often you think about how is all this made and working? Let me guess and say: 'Not very often'. Well maybe it is time for you to think about the points in 3D. Basically it;s something like this:

But using them is not bery easy. Most times you'll need complex and expensive software.

Some simple GSM call log

    In this acticle you can find simple GSM device software about the call log.  Ofcourse our mobile phone device must have parameters like:
  Battery with
- Type
- HoursTalk 
- Model 
- PhoneManufacturer 
- PhoneModel
- PhoneOwner
- PhonePrice
maybe Display with
- Colors
- Size

First we must create an instance of our object GSM and then use/set it's properties.

read more....

петък, 22 февруари 2013 г.

Greedy Midgets Game

    This is a simple, but very interesting game. At this moment it's only the basic code logic, but using Windows Forms or similar it can be done and become 'alive'.

see more here....

Convert Decimal to 256-base numeral system

    Here is my solution how to convert a decimal number into 256-base numeral system number. It's really simple actualy, if you know how to convert decimal to hex. After all 256 is 16*16. In this task we use the following 256 digits:

A 0
B 1

Z 25
26 aA
27 aB

51 aZ
52 bA
53 bB

77 bZ
234 iA
235 iB

255 iV

see more....

сряда, 9 януари 2013 г.

Some resources You may found usefull about C# and .NET

Those are the correct answers according to various tests I have found browsing the Web:

1.What is CLR ?
Common Language Runtime

2. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a style of programming
in which your code is broken up into units, known as:
objects and classes

3. Using C# you can, for example, write a __static_ web page. FCLibrary provides functionality for dinamyc!

 4. Using C# you can, for example, write ___a component__ of
 a distributed application

 5. This is because they all have the same familiar Windows __IDE__
at their core.

6. What is OLE ?
Object Linking and Embedding

7. What actually manages your code ?

8. When the .NET runtime loads and runs code,
this is the language that it expects to find the code in.
Just-in-Time Compilation
9. When you compile managed code, the __translator__ actually
 emits IL.

10. __Common Type System __ this is a minimum set of standards
 that guarantees that code can be accessed from any language.

11. Common Language Specification: This is a minimum set of
 standards that guarantees that code can be accessed from any

12. Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilation: This is the term for the
 process of performing the __intermediate_ stage of
 compilation from IL into native machine code.

13. The function call generated by a non-OOP compiler causes
 what is called __strong_ binding.

14. You create a string reference:
 string s;

15. When you create a reference, you want to connect it with
a new object. You do so, in general, with the
round brackets   

16. There are six different places to store data. This is a
general-purpose pool of memory (also in the RAM area) where all
 C# objects live.
 The stack

 17.What is .net basically?

NET is the Microsoft Web services strategy to connect information,
 people, systems, and devices through software. Integrated across
 the Microsoft platform, .NET technology provides the ability to
 quickly build, deploy, manage, and use connected,
 security-enhanced solutions with Web services. .NET-connected
 solutions enable businesses to integrate their systems more
 rapidly and in a more agile manner and help them realize the
 promise of information anytime, anywhere, on any device.

The Microsoft platform includes everything a business needs to
develop and deploy a Web service-connected IT architecture:
 servers to host Web services, development tools to create them,
 applications to use them, and a worldwide network of more
 than 35k Microsoft Certified Partner organizations
 to provide any help we need.

 18. Given the definitions in this chapter, a type
 (a) defines data and functions

19 Given the definitions and capitalization conventions
in this chapter, the construct Part.Member can only be
interpreted as accessing
 (c) a property of a class

20. If endOfYear and now are both DateTime variables,
what is the type of endOfYear-now?
 (c) TimeSpan

21. If test is a Random object, then what expression
 will return a value between 0 and 100?
 (b) test.Next(100)

22. In the construct DateTime.Today, Today is a
 (d) field

 23. A significant difference between a property and a field is
(d) how they are declared

24. Which statement is true?
(d) A property defines get or set behaviour or both.

 25. The correct expression for the hour of a new DateTime object is
(a) new DateTime(2003,9,25).Hour

26. A loop to print the first 10 odd numbers would be
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
27. To print an integer, a real number to 2 decimal places and a currency, all separated by
four spaces,
and in that order, we would use Console.WriteLine(s,i,r,c) where s is:
"{0}    {1:f2}    {2:C}"
28. Adding a double and an int value will always result in a
(a) double value

29. What is the correct framework for a while loop which is intended to repeat until the
user types ‘q’ for Quit?
bool more = true;
while (more) {
    ... statements
    more = Console.ReadLine() != "q";

30. What sequence of values does the follow code fragment print out?
int i = 17;
while(i != 1) {
    Console.Write("{0}", i);
    i = 3*i + 1;
    while(i%2 == 0)
        i /= 2;
(c) 17 13 5

31.What is important to include with a multiple-exit loop?
 (b) an if statement afterwards   

32. What do the following statements print?
    string s = "\"hello!\"\n";
 (a) 9

33. If an array is declared as follows:
DateTime[] myExamDays = {new DateTime(2003,11,4),
                         new DateTime(2003,11,7),
                         new DateTime(2003,11,12),
                         new DateTime(2003,11,19)};
then the day of my second exam is given by

 (b) myExamDays[1].Day

34. If a switch statement does not include a default clause, the effect is
 (c) that if the value of the selector expression does not match any of the labels,
 then execution continues
 at the statement after the switch

35. A valid switch statement for setting the days in a month (ignoring leap years) would be:
int DaysIn(int month) {
    switch (month) {
        case 9, 4, 6, 11: return 30;
        case 2 : return 28;
        default: return 31;
36.What is the top .NET class that everything is derived from?
C.  System.Object

37.Does .NET support the ability to inherit multiple interfaces?
A.  Yes

38.The C# keyword "int" maps to which .NET type?
B.  System.Int32

39.Object Oriented Programming, which answer best describes encapsulation?
D.  The separation of interface and implementation

40.Can you change the value of a variable while debugging a C# application?
A.  Yes

41.Correct syntax for comment entries is:
/* */

42.Public keyword can be ignored for Main function

43.C# is purely object-oriented language

44.Manual memory management must be done in C#

45. in C# Datatypes are divided in two fundametials categories:
Value types and reference types

46. Boxing in simple is conversion of value type into a reference types
Unboxing is the opposite one! and need explicit cast!

47. Can you store multiple data types in System.Array?
answer: Yes

48. Which type holds all of the data represented by the variable within the variable itself?
Correct answer: Value type

49. A DataAdapter facilitates disconnected data access.
Correct answer: True
50. Which of the following refers to providing new culture-specific resources
and retrieving the appropriate resource based on the culture setting?
Correct answer: Localization

51. Enumerations must be of a numeric integral type.
Correct answer: True

52. The proper way to convert a string to all lowercase is:
Correct answer: string.ToLower();

53. The proper way to convert a string to all lowercase is:
You answered: String = string.ToLower(string);

54.There are 5 programing phases.Which are they:
Specification, Design, Implementation, Testing&Debuging, Deployment

55.In case of a unsuccessful parse, the "Tryparse" method reurns only one argument - a bool.

56.To create a new line:

57.Whitch statement is correct:
string a = "some text";
string b = a;
It will create 2 references to the same data in the heap

58.Explicit convertion can NOT be used if not required by the compiler:

59.What is not including when compiling:
Adding GUI functionality

60.WWF means:
Windows Workflow Foundation

61. Code that targets the Common Language Runtime is known as
D.     Managed Code

62.Suppose n is a variable of the type Byte and we wish, to check whether its fourth bit (from right) is ON or OFF.
63.Which of the following statements will do this correctly?
if ((n&8) == 8)
Console.WriteLine("Third bit is ON");

64.  What is true about the managed code?
a)  Code that executes under the CLI execution environment
b)  Code that is executed by the CLR
c)  Code that targets the common language runtime

65. What is native code?
b) Code executed directly by the CPU

66.  Is it possible to start C# .exe without .NET framework installed?
b) No

67.  Unsafe code does not run under the Common Language Runtime?
 a) No

68.  Metadata is data that describes the state of the assembly and a detailed
description of each type, attribute within the assembly
b) Yes

69. What is true about the assembly
a) File that is automatically generated upon successful compilation.
b) Contains intermediate language code
c) Contains metadata

 10) The intermediate language code can integrate with all NET languages
a) True